Blogger /ˈblɒɡə/ n. Someone with nothing to say, writing for someone with nothing to do.
Let’s get this out of the way: I know what you’re thinking. “Is she okay? Is this a cry for help? Should we be worried?” All valid questions. And for what it’s worth, the answers are “yes,” “no,” and “maybe.” Suffice it to say, the last time I sat down to write anything prosaic was in college – when writing was simply about charting the most efficient path between a 2,000-word essay on Kantian ethics and an ‘A’. Since then, my writing has exclusively been confined to Outlook emails, birthday cards, and the occasional appeal letter to my insurance company (more on that in a future post). Nonetheless, here I am: suffering through writer’s block and spotty Wi-Fi*, all in the name of putting my honest thoughts out on the Internet. Hopefully someone other than my parents will read them.
So, why did I decide to start a blog? Well, honestly, because I’ve got the time – lots of time (more on that in another future post). Managing a blog seems like the digital equivalent of getting a pet goldfish: it’s low cost, low stakes, and will hopefully far outlive my own expectations of it. I’ve always resisted the practice of regular writing – I was never a diary kid, though nowadays I wish I could read back through my 13-year-old insecurities (only to realize that I haven’t actually overcome any of them). When she asks, I tell my therapist that I journal when I feel ‘emotionally stuck’ – this is a lie (we all lie to our therapists about something). I’ve tried the Bullet Journal thing, but never understood what that system could do that sticky notes couldn’t. Blogging feels like the last unturned stone in the rock garden of my writing efforts. And for what it’s worth, designing my own website was kind of fun.
Thematically, my blog posts will likely just follow my stream of consciousness through a variety of random topics (both personal and otherwise). My intention with this is not to be too serious, but I also want to hopefully craft a few moments to express small amounts of vulnerability – I find the Internet to often be a place of disingenuity, and it’s not my intention to pile on.
If you’ve read down to this point, know that I appreciate you. I will do my very best to inform you, entertain you, and teach you. Hopefully, you as the audience will find value from this undertaking – and if you don’t, that’s perfectly okay. It’s not your goldfish, it’s mine.
*Real bloggers only write at coffee shops – or so I’m told.
No, this blog isn’t just for the attention (it’s partially about the attention). Readers can expect rants, reflections, and maybe a few deep dives into topics I have no business writing about. I have mediocre expectations for this project’s success, as suggested by my four separate instances of the word “hopefully” above. If anyone learns something (literally anything) from this, I’ll consider it a smashing success. Thanks in advance for the curiosity.
2 responses
Proud of you 😘
Love ya Pipsqueak!